Apple recently shared Suerte, a new short film that was shot entirely on iPhone 15 Pro. The film follows singer-songwriter Iván Cornejo, known for albums Alma Vacía, Dañado, and Mirada.
In the film, Cornejo goes on a journey to Mexico to seek inspiration from his roots for a new hit, and he ends up on a great adventure. His song “Intercambio Injusto” is included, and there is a soundtrack for the film available on Apple Music.
The iPhone 15 Pro Max is Apple’s current flagship iPhone, featuring a 48-megapixel Main camera, a 12-megapixel Telephoto camera, and a 12-megapixel Telephoto camera with tetraprism technology that allows for up to 5x optical zoom. Apple also shared a “Behind the Scenes” film for Suerte, where directing duo Cliqua explains how it was shot.
Many of the scenes in the film used no equipment other than the iPhone 15 Pro Max, with the…