Apple TV+ launched almost five years ago. In that time, the service has debuted a lot of great TV shows. Some have even become mainstream hits. But Apple’s relationship with movies has been more…complicated. The company has moved from one film strategy to another, with mixed success. And most recently, critical and box office failures have plagued Apple.
Here’s why the Apple TV+ movie strategy is more confusing than ever.
How it started: Oscar bait and critical acclaim
In line with the Apple TV+ goal of making prestige content, Apple found a lot of success with its early film strategy.
2021 film CODA set a high bar when it won the top prize for films in the US: the Academy Award for Best Picture.
This achievement was especially impressive because no other streamer had ever won Best Picture—not even Netflix, with its much bigger head start.
Other film highlights from Apple’s first few years included The Tragedy of Macbeth, Wolfwalkers,…