Late last year, former Apple designer Imran Chaudhri and former Apple software manager Bethany Bongiorno launched one of the first AI wearables under their Humane brand. The $699 Humane AI pin did not go over well, and many reviews criticized its poor performance.
Humane is continuing to struggle, and now, returns are outpacing sales. According to The Verge, more AI pins were returned than purchased during the period between May and August. So many pins have been returned that there are only around 7,000 units still in the hands of consumers, with around 10,000 initially shipped out.
The company only sold around $9 million worth of AI Pins in total, and it is trying to deal with $1 million in returns. Humane cannot refurbish returned AI Pins due to a technical limitation with the cellular connectivity, and returned units are simply e-waste at this point.
Humane also faced a problem with the Charge Case for the device, which was found to pose a fire risk. Humane sent out emails to…