Apple on Wednesday released a firmware update for the Beats Studio Pro headphones, introduced last year, with audio sharing. Of course, many users want to try out the new feature as soon as possible, but updating the firmware of Beats headphones or even AirPods from an iOS device is something really obscure. On Android, on the other hand, this process is much easier.
AirPods and Beats firmware updates are a mess
From time to time, Apple releases firmware updates for AirPods and Beats headphones. Sometimes these updates only provide bug fixes, but some of them add new features such as new head gestures for AirPods Pro 2 or, in this case, audio sharing for Beats Studio Pro owners.
As these updates become more frequent, users wonder how they can easily install them. Unfortunately for iOS users, there’s no way to do this.
Apple says that firmware updates for AirPods and Beats devices are downloaded automatically when the iPhone is connected to the internet…