WhatsApp this week announced an update that will make conversations even more personal and fun. The app now provides animated stickers from GIPHY, the popular GIF platform that was previously owned by Meta.
WhatsApp gets animated stickers from GIPHY
“People love using stickers to express themselves and add personality and fun to their chats. Sometimes a sticker can communicate emotions and moods better than words ever could and today, we’re adding new ways for you to personalize and enjoy stickers,” Meta said in a blog post.
Currently, WhatsApp already has integration with GIPHY to let users easily send GIFs. With the update, users can also search for animated stickers provided by GIPHY. “This integration lets you find and share relevant and engaging stickers, without having to leave the app,” the company explains.
To send an animated GIPHY sticker on WhatsApp, simply tap the sticker button and search using text or an emoji.
In addition to…
Source 9to5mac.com