A recent report revealed that WhatsApp adoption in the US is growing, especially as users look for a better way to chat between iOS and Android devices. Meta has now confirmed that WhatsApp has reached 100 million monthly users in the US – but the company has a huge challenge ahead to keep this number growing.
100 million people use WhatsApp every month in the US
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Tuesday (via The Verge) that WhatsApp now has 100 million monthly active users in the US. The company says the app has become notably popular in Los Angeles, New York, Miami, and Seattle. Interestingly, this is the first time Meta has released more specific data about WhatsApp in the US.
“This is the first time data pertaining to users has been released since Meta’s acquisition of the messaging app and demonstrates how the messaging platform, already the biggest messaging app in the world, has experienced tremendous growth in the U.S.,” WhatsApp…
Source 9to5mac.com