It’s been a while since WhatsApp has been working on a feature to let users share files with others without an internet connection, much like Apple’s AirDrop. While this feature was first being tested on Android, it seems that it will also be available to iPhone users.
WhatsApp testing AirDrop-like feature
As noted by WABetaInfo, the latest beta version of WhatsApp for iOS available on TestFlight includes “Nearby Share.” With this feature, users can share photos, videos and documents with people nearby wirelessly using an end-to-end encrypted connection. However, due to iOS limitations, the feature will work a bit differently for iPhone users.
While the Android version of WhatsApp is able to detect nearby devices, the iOS version will require the user to scan a QR Code to start file sharing. A nice detail about Nearby Share is that it is expected to work between iOS and Android, which will make it easier for users to transfer files even when they…